Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Expendables 2" Premiere--Sylvester, Terry, Jason, Dolph, & Chuck!!

My spouse and I were not really looking forward to this event because we feared that all of the cast members would come over to sign at once.  However, that was not the case at all. 
We really wanted Sylvester, Arnold, Jason, & Bruce's autograph...We were able to get Sylvester, Jason Stratum, Chuck Norris, Terry Crews, & Dolph Lundgren.

The first to arrive & sign was Nikolette Noel.  We didn't have anything printed for her other than "Expendables 2" poster photos (3 of them).  She started signing to my section FAR right and moved to her left, away from me.  Then we thought she was finished as she was walking towards the red carpet.  Our section called her over to the other side and she came back to sign and moved to her right.  She was appoaching us but we were still ways away from obtaining her autograph. 

The next cast member to arrive and sign was Charisma Carpenter.  Once again, we didn't have any solo shots for her to sign.  She didn't sign as much as Nikolette did.

Terry Crews then arrived and came to sign and posed for pictures.  We knew he was going to be a "hit or miss" and we were right.  He started to sign consecutively (while handing back pens as he was moving towards our section) and then took pictures with those who asked.  He then decided to wave to the fans and was jumping up trying to get the crowd pumped up.  After a short while he did picked up the marker again to sign a few skipped a section sign one here or two there.  When he approached our section, though, he signed about 3 autographs (I couldn't even get one even though my 1 8x10 photo was right next to another photo in which he was signing for!!) My spouse was lucky enough to get him on our 12x18 poster photo (for various cast members to sign)  He used a crappy blue sharpie and his autograph was the first one we got on that photo. 

Dolph Lundgren was super nice as he was taking his time to sign for autographs and posed for pictures.  As he was approaching our section, I noticed that he would take photos and signed it at the side.  That was so thoughtful of him because by doing this it prevents graphs from getting smeared as well as he has more control of who he is signing for.  I was able to get two 8x10 photos done while my spouse only was able to get him on the cast 12x18 poster.

The next person to arrive was Sylvester Stallone.  He was taking his time and mainly was signing the first row.  We then noticed a vehicle coming to our left and it was Arnold Schwarzenegger.  He came to my very far right and started moving a way from us.  He then decided to cross the street to a touristy part of the street and sign a few there.  He then decided to walk to the red carpet.  Oh, well.
Jason Stratum came over and was signing and posing for photos. During Sylvester's and Jason's autograph session, Chuck Norris, arrived and, surprisingly started to sign.  We heard that he doesn't sign, so we had nothing for him other than to get him on the poster photos.  Chuck was to our right while Sylvester was signing but stopped to give Chuck a handshake and a hug.  Chuck was the first to hit us.  He gave a very nice graph on two of our 12x18 "Expendables 2" poster photos.  One in which was only a single signed autograph from Chuck.

Next person to approach our section was Sylvester.  He gave me a very nice autograph (with blue at first) on my 11x14 scene shot of "Expendables 2" but when he signed my spouse's "Rambo" photo, he gave us something extra. The 2 signatures are different from what he gave post people at this event. We couldn't get him on any of our 3 poster photos. 

So, we waited patiently.  Rarely do celebrities sign on the way to the red carpet; but Sylvester did a few! I was able to get him on 1 of the 3 poster photos we had. He did one of the 11x14 poster in a black sharpie as he already had one in his hands.  He still gave me a decent graph (smaller but still better than others during this particular event).
 After Sylvester, we finally were able to get a better glimpse of Jason Stratum.  Surprisingly he was moving down the line.  I had a transporter photo for him to sign but he didn't like it as he skipped mine to sign my spouse's "crank" photo.  I then decided to reach as far as I could with one of the posters but he was already far to my left.  I then handed my poster to an acquintance but he couldn't get him to sign it either.  Since, we only had 1 Jason Stratum, I decided to leave my spot.  It was at least 5-6 rows deep, that it took me to 3 different sections to get his autograph on the cast poster.  (I had a little help with extending it out to him, I admit).  Thank you to the person who helped me reach further!!

Here is the Cast signed by FOUR (Stratum, Lundgren, Crews, & Norris!!)

I thought that the after party was near the event, but when we inside the venue and saw that nothing was set up, we decided to call it a night!

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